New Client Project – A Corner Hutch

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The Early Design Stage

My latest potential client project is a corner hutch. The client is looking for a custom freestanding hutch for an open corner in the eating area of her kitchen. There are some specific criteria that need to be met in order to deal with the particular location of this piece. The configuration of the walls and ceiling means that a specific overall size is needed. Also, there is an HVAC vent on the floor in this corner that must be accounted for in the design.

Sketch Made Onsite at Client’s House
Initial Design Sketch for Client

Above left, you can see the sketch that I made when at the client’s house for our initial meeting. The rectangle in the lower right is the HVAC vent mentioned before. The picture on the right is of the initial sketch that I drew up for the client. I sent her a link to the results of a Google image search for “corner hutch” and asked her to let me know if she found any ideas that would be helpful to me. She sent screengrabs of two hutches.

Neither was exactly the look she was going for, however, she described the features of each that appealed to her. I based my initial sketch on that information. At this point, I have taken a photo of my sketch and sent it to the client. I am waiting for feedback before proceeding with a more formal design proposal.


Below is a quick little video of me finishing up the design sketch for the client. I have been doing some sketching lately which you can read more about here. The real thing that I was trying to accomplish in this video was to capture audio of the sketching by placing an external microphone close to the action. You can really hear the pencil on the paper which I think is fun and interesting.

I am working on learning more about how to create good video content and one topic that comes up, again and again, is having good audio. This is just one sample of me working on my skill at capturing audio and editing.

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