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Reclaimed Beam Furniture – Complete

Built For: Aaron & Carolyn Lawson

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This is the final post about this project. You can read the first two here and here.

In this final phase, I made another side table and a coffee table. The side table is nearly identical to the first one. The coffee table is shorter than the two side tables and the top is larger at roughly 2′ by 4′.

The top of the coffee table presented a few challenges. There were a few holes and large checks that I used oak dowel pieces to address. Also, two of the four pieces that I chose to use for the top were significantly shorter than the other two. I felt like I had three options. I could cut the two longer pieces down, leave things as they were resulting in an irregularly shaped top, or somehow fill in the gap.

I decided to go with option three. I used two small off-cut pieces to make up the difference in the length of the two shorter pieces. This allowed me to keep the top of the coffee table at the size and shape that I had intended.

This was a somewhat difficult project in that I didn’t really know where I was going when it started. As it progressed, I was able to get clarity on where I was headed and in the end, I was quite pleased with how the whole project turned out.

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